Auto Injury Middletown Pennsylavaina

Occupational Therapy Middletown New Jersey

Occupational Therapy (OT) stands as a vital healthcare profession dedicated to helping individuals of diverse ages and abilities in embracing and increasing participation in activities of daily living (ADLs). These encompass tasks related to self-care, housework, work, and leisure/social participation. Occupational therapists engage in collaborative work with individuals facing physical or mental disabilities. The main goal of OT is to support active participation and independence in everyday life.

Occupational Therapy at this clinic is designed to address a diverse array of conditions in individuals including but not limited to: upper extremity injury, chronic and acute pain, tennis/golfer's elbow, arthritis, osteoporosis, fracture or sprain, post-surgical rehab of the upper extremities, sport/work-related injuries, as well as balance deficits.

At the core of OT is a client-centered approach to healthcare. This entails a close collaboration between the occupational therapist and the client, with a focus on understanding the client's unique goals and abilities. Drawing from this connection, the therapist crafts a tailored treatment plan aimed at addressing the specific needs of the client. This holistic approach to care incorporates a range of interventions, such as targeted exercises, engaging therapeutic activities, and the use of adaptive equipment as necessary to improve participation while decreasing pain.